Beloved masters, as you
incorporate more of the magnificence of
your God Ray, the attributes, qualities
and virtues, wondrous things begin to happen
in the world around you. The galactic prosperity
gateway opens wide and the wealth of the
universe pours down
upon you. Always be aware that you are responsible
for how you use your gifts of Spirit.
It will not serve your highest good to gain
great riches and then hoard them. There
is no
virtue in poverty. That is an old outmoded
thought form created by those who sought
to suppress you and gain power over you.
Money is a symbol of the opulence of the
universe; however, spiritual wealth encompasses
many things: a healthy body and mind free
of disease, full of vitality, youthful and
filled with a zest for living and creating
anew; satisfying relationships with a great
variety of people, from your close physical
family to your extended spiritual family.
You may have
different viewpoints and be at varying
levels of awareness on your spiritual
path, but you must honor and allow each
and every one to follow their truth in
their own unique way. It is of vast importance
that you set boundaries and honor and
nurture yourself so that you will be capable
and ready to receive increasingly higher,
more refined gifts of love/Light from
our Father/Mother God. You should endeavor
to find a working environment that supports
and demands the highest integrity from
everyone involved, and one of your major
goals should be a career that brings you
great joy and satisfaction, as well as
appreciation and financial rewards. When
you are soul-focused and divinely inspired,
wealth becomes an enhancement to your
spirituality, for you can live graciously,
yet simply, and all your desires are met
without thinking about what they are.
You share freely with those on the path
who have not yet learned the laws of abundance.
You will be their example and their partner
as you give guidance and a helping hand
when appropriate.
Your treasure chest
of wealth will contain a plethora of creative
thoughts inspired by your Higher Self
and downloaded into your consciousness
when you are ready to take advantage of
them and, through your conscious intent,
you will begin the magical process of
bringing them into material manifestation
through your actions. We emphasize what
we have said many times before, you can
have or become anything you can envision.
This is
the era of new Creation, with a never-ending
supply of primal Cosmic Life Force Substance
at your fingertips just waiting for you
to mold it into the stuff of your dreams
and visions.
You are all having
difficulty keeping up with or integrating
the refined energies that are being constantly
radiated down upon and through you. Some
of you have moved to a level where you
must step back and allow your external
world and your physical vessel to catch
up with your inner vibratory field. Never
before has humanity, nor any race or civilization
in this universe, moved forward so quickly
and dramatically in the evolutionary process
as you have in the last fifty years of
your time. So is it any wonder that you
are feeling dizzy, disoriented, confused,
out of sync with the world around you,
and oft times discouraged?
Our promise to you is that this too will
pass as you become more comfortable with
your new radiance and swiftly transforming
reality. If you stay the course, you assuredly
will step gracefully into the next level
of awareness, and you will gradually perfect
the skills, integrate the wisdom, and
accomplish many miraculous things as you
strive to overcome the challenges that
are presented to you. You must flex your
spiritual muscles and lay claim to your
new-found power. That is why we wish you
to accept this truth: you are the student,
the teacher, and also the master. No one
else knows better than you what is right
and appropriate for you in each and every
moment and in every situation.
Now that the Supreme Creator is taking
an active role in the grand process of
reunification, you can be assured that
your world, your reality and everything
you believed to be the norm will continue
to change dramatically and at an ever-accelerating
pace. Within the great cycles of expansion
are smaller cycles wherein there is a
process of gleaning or harvesting all
that is in harmony with the Creator’s
plan, followed by a contraction or reformation
of all that is disharmonious. Energy is
never lost or destroyed, it is remolded,
transformed or modified into a different
form and vibrational frequency. The lower
vibrations and distortions of the third/fourth
dimensions are being sought out and penetrated
at the deepest level by the awesome power
of Creator Light. That is the process
you, the Earth and all Creation in this
universe are in the midst of at this time.
It is painful to watch the mass destruction
that is taking place around the world
and we, as you, feel the pain and suffering
that is rampant as the cleansing accelerates.
Everything possible is being done to diminish
the suffering, and it is imperative that
you stay focused and centered in the heart
as you draw forth and radiate out into
the world the maximum amount of Creator
Light substance for the greatest good
of all. Make no mistake, the unconditional
love/Light energy that filters through
you is added to the whole and it is making
a vast difference.
The holographic pictures
that have formed your realities are shifting
and many of you feel vulnerable and left
without an identity that you can relate
to, or parameters to guide you. Over these
many past traumatic years, you have gone
through the process of releasing much
of what you thought was important in your
third-dimensional reality, surrendering
many of your relationships, your possessions,
your perception of what and who you were
as you moved into harmony and attunement
with your Higher Self. Gradually, you
were able to access more refined energy,
higher frequencies, new information and
greater wisdom. Eventually, you became
more comfortable with your fourth-dimensional
reality as you worked through even more
negative and emotional energies that came
bubbling up from within your subconscious
mind as you swept out and cleared outmoded
perceptions. The pulsating, transforming
Light frequencies reverberated throughout
the depths of your cellular structure
and began to break loose all the impacted
core memories that have accumulated down
through the ages, stirring them up, and
moving them out to be released and replaced
with Divine Light substance. As you began
to resonate to a quickened vibration,
more of your vaster being, your soul-self,
your Higher Self, and your God Ray began
to, once again, take up residency and
dominion within your physical vessel.
However, most recently for some of you,
it seems you have taken a step backward
and many of you have suddenly manifested
dramatic illnesses that you do not understand,
obstacles have been placed in your way,
hampering your progress in what you thought
was your mission and your gift to humanity.
Many of you can no longer find the solace
in meditation, or the ability to reach
upward (or inward) in order to tap into
the loving feeling
of Oneness with the Beings of Light. You
feel a void, a sense of loss, or at least,
a sense of instability. All that you are
experiencing now, the discomfort within
your bodily forms; the releasing of many
of the aspects of your life that you thought
were important, stable and necessary;
the crumbling of old belief systems and
the feeling that you are no longer in
control of your destiny, are all part
of the accelerated transformation process
now in progress. You are shedding many,
many layers of etheric matter from your
auric fields which no longer serve you,
which cannot exist where you are going.
When you integrated your soul-self, you
diminished the power and control that
your ego-self had over you. As you integrate
your Higher Self and it takes over the
guardianship of your energy and destiny,
the soul-self moves into the background
or, to put it more clearly, it becomes
integrated into the energy force field
of your Higher Self, and so it goes as
you ascend the ladder of reunification.
It is of vast importance
that you understand, those of you who
have diligently strived over these past
years to balance and harmonize the discordant
vibrational patterns within have moved,
or are moving, into a new cycle of awareness.
We understand that it is exciting to learn
new information, and to remember and reclaim
as much of your galactic and
cosmic wisdom as possible; however, it
is still vastly important that you integrate
into your present reality what you have
learned, and begin to use the knowledge
and tools given you to create a better
world for yourself and all those around
Whereas many of you
have been focusing primarily on your spiritual
growth and awareness and have somewhat
neglected your physical vessel and environment,
you may recently have felt an urgency
or have been forced to pay more attention
to your bodily form and your immediate
surroundings. There comes a time when
you have integrated the maximum amount
of higher frequency energies that your
physical vessel can take in and absorb
without creating major distress. It is
very evident that this is happening all
over the world and that each person as
well as the Earth is in a critical phase
in this dramatic process of evolution/ascension.
(Please do not forget to ask your Higher
Self to monitor the vibrational frequencies
that you absorb, and ask that all residual
energy be sent forth unto the world as
you breathe in and breathe out the love/Light).
The phrase “more is not necessarily
better” applies here.
When the time is
right, your body will let you know via
emotional or physical symptoms that it
is time to make a concerted effort to
allow the new energies to perform their
magic, whether it be releasing old impacted
energies within the physical vessel including
your DNA, or you may require an emotional
release or a mental clearing of some kind.
If there are times when you do not feel
like reading any spiritual material, please
honor that feeling. If you feel you are
emotionally vulnerable and need to nurture
yourself, honor that feeling as well.
If there are times when you feel mentally
stressed or “stretched,” please
give your mind a break and only perform
those mental tasks that are absolutely
necessary. Place your focus on your physical
well-being and refresh your mind and body
by connecting to and communing with the
elements of nature and your Mother Earth.
They are your constant friends and companions
on this journey. Let us reassure you,
it is all a part of the process and the
spiraling cycles of change. These past
years, and especially the last year of
your time, have been a time of great acceleration.
We have been infusing you with the maximum
amount of Christ Light or Divine Substance
from the Creator that your physical vessels
could contain. In doing so, it has jolted
or sped you along the path of initiation,
or upward in the ascension process, however
you wish to define it. Remember, and we
repeat, for it is important that you understand
the process, each time you lift your consciousness
or tap into a higher frequency and incorporate
it in any part of your Being, whether
it is physical/emotional/mental or etheric,
it permeates the very depths of your essence
and releases any corresponding impacted
or negative energies that resonate at
a lower frequency. Many of these energies
were imprinted in your etheric and emotional
bodies during those ancient experiences
of your earliest physical incarnations
on the earth plane. They are very powerful
indeed and have affected you in every
lifetime you have experienced since, adding
to and magnifying the negative energies
until they held you in bondage, creating
tremendous pain and suffering.
These are energies
that have kept you from having the perfect
health you desire, the strong, attractive
body you dream of, the abundance, the
power, the relationships, on and on. And
so you see, in order to assist you and
keep you from going into overwhelm, your
Higher Self puts you in what might be
called a null zone, or a period of “no
time,” or what we prefer to call,
“withdrawing into sanctuary”.
Those of you who are the way showers,
the Light Warriors, have far exceeded
the base frequencies of the Earth and
those of humanity at large, and are functioning
within a much higher resonance. Your reality
is centered in the etheric body of the
Earth that has moved into the upper planes
of the fourth dimension and tapping into
the fifth dimension. However, your beloved
planet is also progressing rapidly, and
as it does, your reality must continue
to change. All that you thought was your
truth, your new way of functioning and
being, your new identity, is swiftly melting
away. A new holographic picture is emerging
and, in your uncertainty, you wonder where
you fit in this new scheme and what you
are to do now.
Again, precious ones, we say, relax, release,
and realize that this, too, is just a
part of the never-ending spiral. No longer
will you be allowed to stagnate or even
stay at a certain level very long; time
and the process of transformation are
moving too rapidly. Your language is changing,
the frequency patterns of your thought-forms
are different. The old areas of your brain
which contain your past are gradually
being refined or released so it is beginning
to seem as though everything that happened
before, even last year, is a vague dream.
New areas of your brain are being activated
and you must learn to think in a whole
new way. Light packets of information,
holographic pictures of great significance
and sacred geometric patterns will begin
to come into your consciousness and you
must learn how to decipher these. It may
seem as if those you are moving beyond
no longer understand you, or you cannot
find words to carry on the old mundane
patterns of conversation. You will also
find that you do not need to verbalize
every thought as you begin to telepathically
pick up the energies and thoughts of those
around you. You will not need words, and
you will not be easily deceived. You will
speak your truth with spiritual integrity
and you will no longer play the games
of the past. As you don your refined,
spiritual light garments and awareness,
be gentle with yourself. You may feel
very vulnerable at times, you may feel
as if you are losing an important part
of yourself and this is true. But it is
a part that no longer serves you. Even
though you have become comfortable in
carrying this old baggage around, it is
time to release all that you cannot take
with you as you move back into the beauty
and harmony of the worlds you left behind
so very long ago.
Before we close this message, beloveds,
we wish to bring something to your attention
so there will be full understanding between
us, and by that we mean between you, our
devoted readers, this messenger and me,
the one who conveys the messages through
her. Our beloved representative, Ronna
Herman, has faithfully transmitted a monthly
message from me as a gift to the world
every month since February, 1992, except
for one month, December 1996, when she
moved from San Diego, California to Reno,
Nevada and did not have access to her
computer. She has devoted the major part
of her time over the past twenty years
to fulfilling her spiritual mission and
she, like most of you, needed to focus
on her personal life and her physical
vessel for a brief time. Some time ago,
we suggested that she not plan any events
during September, October and December
of this current year (we also emphasized
to her that it was of major importance
that she make every
effort to fulfill her obligation for the
November 20-27 western Caribbean cruise
which has been planned for over a year).
As you all know, there is a major cleansing
taking place in many places on Earth as
ancient, stagnant vibrational patterns
are released and transmuted.
Therefore, in order
to give her a respite and lighten her
load we instructed and guided her to some
small excerpts of past messages which
were to be incorporated in the last few
messages for this year. We gleaned only
pertinent information from our own messages
that are as important and valid now as
they were when first given. Who amongst
you has integrated or utilized all the
information we have given you in the past,
and oft times,
is it not of great benefit to be reminded
of important facts? These messages, as
all those of the past, are given to you
with the intent of assisting you in the
greatest measure possible, and they always
strive to convey our deepest love and
blessings to each of you. I AM Archangel
Dearest friends:
What a radical experience it has been
for me to not feel like spending time
at my computer or working on new spiritual
projects. For the past two months, I have
only done what I absolutely had to in
my office, and have felt an intense need
to work in my yard, digging in the dirt
and connecting with the Earth. We just
finished building a new
storage shed in the back yard for all
my books and the 3,000 sets of angel cards
that were delivered a few weeks ago. I
also took time to find material I liked
and an upholsterer to recover the two
antique chairs and bedspread bench in
our bedroom (a project I have been putting
off for nine years). We just got them
back and I am very pleased with the result.
I am doing a cleansing fast every Monday
and exercising as my knee will allow.
As the chaos around the world increases,
it is more vital than ever that we stay
in harmony within and not allow the fear
and uncertainty to affect us. Together,
dearest friends, we are unbeatable and
we will prevail. I send you all bounteous
blessings and profound gratitude. You
are all part of my family and I love you
dearly. Ronna
Transmitted through
Ronna Herman STARQUEST 6005 Clear Creek
Drive, Reno, NV 89502 Phone/Fax: 775-856-3654
Web Site: